Friday, August 12, 2011

A Beautiful Day!

The weather is glorious this morning, and the cool fall evenings are coming soon. I have a sense of the world beginning to breathe again after all the oppressive heat and unrest. Isn't it amazing what a beautiful sunny day can do?

If you haven't gotten outside with your camera to take a photo for the Local Landscape workshop yet, today is a good day to do it. The lighting is just right. I have a nice shot I took up at Clermont that I had planned to use to demo, until I saw my sisters photos of her recent honeymoon. They went to Laguna Beach and Cabo san Lucas. She took some shots of the Pacific Coast that are just stunning and will translate really well to textile. I think I will have to add some Angelina fibers for the sparkle of the sun on the water. I know that the Pacific Coast isn't exactly local for us, but it is for someone, and those views will hold a special place for her and her new hubby for a long time. So, yes you could use that photo from your favorite vacation spot too. Class begins this Wednesday, so please let me know you are coming!

You can now sign up to have this blog sent directly to your email each time I update it, simply enter your address in the space at the right and it will be just like when I used to send weekly emails. Now there is no reason to miss anything - feel free to foward it to your friends too.

We have no official sign ups for the coiling workshop, we will postpone until the fall weather cools everyone off. In the meantime check out the book, in stock now, for some great inspirations.

We had a meeting for the 2012 Bicentennial Quilt yesterday, please continue to work on your blocks and return them to us as soon as they are finished. When they are all returned we can begin our next step. There is more information posted, click on the 2012 tab above.

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